Monday, December 24, 2012

Joyeux Noel!

One of the best parts of being married to my incredible man is that he 
loves Paris & french food almost as much as I do!
That being said, it wasn't hard for us to come up with our Christmas Eve menu;
we watched Disney's Ratatouille while making our own,
and served it up with some delicious crab & baguette.

Vive la France!

With full tummies we moved on to new pajamas,
 Christmas stories that never fail to make us cry,
and a homemade treat for 'ole Saint Nick.


  1. Your pictures are so pretty. I can't believe you cooked/ate crab. whoa.

    Our birthday-twin-kids have the same pjs.

  2. Ha! I had no idea your baby girl was a batman fan- but with two big brothers I'm not surprised! :) And thank you!
    The crab has sort of become our yearly splurge tradition, can't wait until we get somewhere that isn't land-locked! ;)
