Sunday, December 9, 2012

I'm a Snow Machine!

Being the Idaho girl that I am, the last few months has been extremely strange- disturbing even- 
in their lack of snowy precipitation.  
No matter how many times I watch The Muppet Christmas Carol (best Christmas movie EVER, just in case you were wondering),
or blast Ella Fitzgerald and Nat King Cole's holiday tunes,
I just haven't been able to jump into the Christmas spirit with both feet.
And I completely blame the weather.
That's right, it's all your fault Clouds, and you're officially fired.
Wanna know why?
Cause after watching this sweet snowflake tutorial,
I've decided I no longer need you. 

Yeah, I've got it covered.
I may not have any feeling left in my right ring finger from all the cutting,
but, unlike some others I know, I am happy to take one for the team.

So even if you refuse to decorate the world- like you're supposed to each year 
(insert sound of throat clearing),
at least my dining room will be decked in snowy love.

Also, not to kick you while you're down, 
but I think it looks pretty magical,
well, let's just say it-

A Winter Wonderland.

That being said, I don't want to burn any bridges, so if you decide 
you want to go ahead and deliver sometime soon
I won't hold any grudges.

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