Sunday, September 8, 2013

Party in Pinedale, part 1

One of our big summer trips took us up to Pinedale, Wyoming.
One of Ryan's articles was published in the Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Journal, 
and with it an award ceremony,
book signing,
and opportunity to present and answer questions on his writing.

We had a blast!
This was not your typical stuffy symposium-
talk about a cast of characters!
With the AMM in attendance,
it was destined to be a place for laughs, jokes, and a good ole' shrub-drinking time.
(We passed on the shrub, for the record, but everyone else really seemed to really enjoy themselves!)

More on the presentation & other sights later, but here's the award ceremony, book signing, 
and opening of the weekend party...

1 comment:

  1. Molly, I came over here to see if you happened to have any more recipes, but enjoyed these breathtaking photos instead. Lovely and inspiring. Can't wait to see you take DC by storm (and by storm I mean camera).
