Along with so many other wonderful aspects of our move, we also inherited a sizable garden and orchard, and being the ever-persistent (read: stubborn) wannabe gardener that I am, you can imagine my joy. Especially once you know that my husband isn't been shy in the past in pointing out my black thumb when it's come to potted plants I've let wither and die before my eyes.
It's unfortunately true, but I am definitely improving- our garden is GROWING!!
However, I should probably give a bit of credit to summer rainstorms and the sprinkler system that take the watering element completely out of my hands.
When our eleven (that's right, I said eleven) tomato plants started showing tiny bulbs that would one day become a rainbow of heirloom tomatoes I jumped up and down, clapping my hands.
I audibly gasped the morning I saw from the kitchen window that our first sunflowers had opened to face the light, and when our ridiculously ambitious blackberry patch required picking every other day for ten weeks I religiously showed up with my stainless steel bowl, became 'one' with the patch, and only slightly lamented coming out looking like I'd been attacked by a gang of alley cats.
The summer is wrapping up, but luckily
there are still the fruit trees.
I picked pears today, and I don't mind telling you
I'm head over heels all over again-
They are adorable, delicious,
and I have such marvelous plans for our relationship!